As for this corner It is the Oriental original word. It plays in the kanji. Various meaning is contained in a kanji one character. English to indicate here is the typical meaning which this kanji has.
668 挑戦

666 秋桜 667 薔薇      
661 DEFEAT  662 5,000,000  663 15年  664 続  665 小浜
656 Bog 657 Election 658 Election 659 Interruption 660 LONELY
651 Loss 652 Confession 653 Consultation 654 Public opinion 655 An outbreak of war
641 Client 647 KOBE BEEF 648 Independence 649 Swindle 650 Blood
641 Client 642 Investment 643 Retirement 644 Anonymity 645 The army
636 GEISYA 637 Mayor 638 STUDY 639 Schedule 640 Success
631 Japanese popular song 632 Aim 633 Impulse 634 Busyness 635 Think